Support Recruitors
Coach Recruitors
Mentor Recruitors
Train Recruitors

Helping recruiters recruit better since 1998.
- The first to offer Executive Search Training in the UK and Europe
- The first to provide an audio newsletter
- The first to provide 100% free full cycle online training
And a number of other firsts …
We continue today, to support, coach, mentor and train recruiters and their recruitment agency/business owners and TA/Internal Recruiters… like YOU.
+44 (0) 7976 828637
Training Courses
Email/Call for dates of Public Courses
Call/Email to discuss these or tailor-made sessions for your own team only
- Intro to Recruitment
- Candidate Sourcing
- Best Practice – Legislation & Compliance
- Interviewing and Screening
- Business Development & Account Management
- Gaining Exclusivity & Selling Retainers
- The Billing Manager
- Recruiting In A Tough Market
Coaching & Mentoring
- Completed a course and want support putting it into action?
- Moved into a new role or running a new desk?
- Solopreneur and need support building your business?
- Owner, Manager, Director running a team?
“Be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”
Dr. Maya Angelou