Use statistics and documented facts to gain credibility and authority in your market. Without them your statement, presentation or discussion will be taken as opinion, hearsay – or ignored.
“47% of candidates we spoke to said flexible working hours was top of their wish list when looking for a job” sounds a lot better than “Nearly half of the candidates…”
“73 of the top 100 law firms were hacked in 2016” is a lot better than “Most of the top 100 law firms were hacked last year”. (It’s a true fact by the way).
If you are making statements online or in print it’s a good idea to name your source. It adds weight and validity to your article or blog.
e.g. 95% of recruiters say that hiring will remain as competitive in 2017 as it was in 2015 and 2016. Source: Jobvite Recruiter Nation Report 2016
There are dozens of recruiters in your space. It isn’t about who shouts loudest. It is about who is most credible. Stats & facts go a long way to helping you to achieve that status.